
I am a Ph.D. candidate working with Dr. Anna Papafragou at the University of Pennsylvania. I am interested in creating behavioral and computational models that could reveal the interaction between language and human cognitive systems. I am also a Master’s student in the Biomedical Informatics program of Perelman School of Medicine, and will be working with Dr. Danielle Mowery as a postdoctoral researcher starting Fall 2024. We will work on phenotyping various conditions (e.g., autism spectrum disorder) by analyzing Electronic Health Records (EHRs) using natural language processing and machine learning techniques.

I am a member of the Language and Cognition Lab and affiliated with MindCore (Penn's hub for integrative study of mind), and ILST (Integrated Language Sciences and Technology).

In the Language Learning Lab, I work with Dr. John Trueswell on how symmetry is represented in language and cognition using novel paradigms with eye-tracking.

I am also affiliated with the Institute for Biomedical Informatics at Penn Medicine, the Center for Autism Research at CHOP (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia), and the Mack Institute at the Wharton School.

My M.A. (Master of Arts) degree in Linguistics is from Boğaziçi University, where I studied with Dr. Mine Nakipoğlu and Dr. Sumru Özsoy on the syntactic structure of focus particles in Turkish. Before that, I had a B.A. degree in Business Administration from Koç University. Following my undergraduate degree, I spent some time in the industry and managed large sales teams at Unilever. During this experience, I had the chance to get to know so many wonderful people all over Turkey, speaking many different languages and dialects. I am grateful to all of them, as they helped me find out that language science is my passion.

Ugurcan Vurgun Ugurcan Vurgun Ugurcan Vurgun Ugurcan Vurgun